Town Centre
In the 1980s an experimental closure of High Street showed how it transformed the street scene. The Neighbourhood Plan defines a number of projects for improving the experience of people in the town centre. In particular, it promotes the concept of pedestrian priority by:
1) closing High Street to traffic during the day, so it functions as a pedestrian plaza. This would be similar to the scheme already implemented successfully in Henley Street;
2) reducing the amount of parking space in Bridge street, widening the pavements, and improving facilities for buses and taxis.
Visualisation of top of Bridge Street
Wider pavements in Bridge Street
Recent discussions led by the Town Council, the Stratford Society and other representatives of organisations in the town have led to a proposal submitted in June for Government funding. The High Street would become an 'informal street' with wider pavements and a narrow carriageway. Bridge Street would have a wide central reservation for pedestrian seating, with kiosks and trees, in a 'Las Ramblas' arrangement.