Marie Corelli Centenary
Programme of Events
- Talk to Stratford Society on Marie Corelli, conservationist, by Dr Robert Bearman
- Visit to Marie Corelli's grave in Evesham Road Cemetery, with attendance by local dignitaries. Nick Birch to read a poem and Kate Rolfe (mayor) to give a short address and lay wreath
Saturday 4 May to Monday 6 May - Harvard House
- Public exhibition of Marie Corelli related material from SBT archives (free entry)
- 9am - 4.30 pm: Academic centenary conference managed by Jo Turner (Loughborough University) and Ellie Dobson (Birmingham University). Closed event (not open to the public)
- 5pm - 7 pm: Keynote speech by Professor MacLeod from Newcastle University on Corelli’s early twentieth century American magazine publications. Followed by Q&A roundtable event, chaired by Nick Birch, with Professor MacLeod, Jo Turner and Ellie Dobson. Limited access to members of the public by Zoom (Keynote speech) or in person (Keynote and Q&A). BOOK HERE
- 11am - Town Hall and exhibition open
- 11am onwards - Opportunity to look at display material/exhibits, buy books and visit Harvard House (see above)
- 11am - 12 noon: Lecture on Marie Corelli by Nick Birch
- 1-4 - Refreshments (tea and cake) available
- 1 - 1.30pm: Music Recital with piano; music composed by Marie Corelli
- 2pm - Guest appearance by 'Marie Corelli' in costume
- 2.30 - 5pm: Staged reading of The Sorrows of Satan (with a short interval)
- 11-12.30am Town trail around properties connected with Marie Corelli, led by Dr Robert Bearman. See Stratford with new eyes when you join this guided walk. BOOK HERE
- Talk about Marie Corelli by Jann Tracy (details to be confirmed)
- Exhibition on Marie Corelli's life in the public library in Henley Street