What we do
what DOEs the stratford society DO?
The Stratford Society aims to influence awareness and development in the town in four ways:
- Planning - review of planning policy and of planning applications;
- Transport - working with town, district and county councils for road and traffic management;
- History - research and education about the historic built environment of the town;
- Environment - cherishing the natural environment of the town and campaigning to improve it.
The Society organises a programme of monthly meetings on related topics.
Members of the Society have published a series of booklets on historic buildings and people in the town.
Evidence of the Society’s influence in the town can be seen by looking at the papers that go to the District Council’s Planning Committee. The Planning Applications Report includes a special section that summarises the comments submitted by the Stratford Society. We are asked to participate in stakeholder consultations and are treated by the local authorities as a de facto statutory consultee.
We often disagree – sometimes quite forcefully – with the policies and actions of the local authorities, but we try never to lose our sense of balance. No historic town can remain stuck in the past and our aim, with the help of all our members, is to make the town's future one we can all be proud of. See the letter to the Herald by Dr Kevin Bond, Chairman, in June 2021.