Plans of the town

These are historical town plans no longer in copyright.
In most cases they have been scanned at 600 dpi from original documents.

Stratford-on-Avon Town Plan

Free Town Guide, c.1960

Note Municipal Offices where Playhouse is now, Hippodrome on Wood Street, Cattle Market by Railway Station, the Methodist Church, St James's Church and Police Station all in Guild Street, and General Post Office in Bridge Street. Map scale: 7 inches to a mile.

Stratford-on-Avon Town Plan

Bartholomew Guide, 1950

Note Flowers Brewery by Birmingham Road and Workhouse converted to war-time hospital. Also St James's Church and the Police Station on Guild Street. Map scale: 5 inches to a mile.

Stratford-on-Avon Town Plan

Ward Lock Red Guide (6th Ed), 1931

Note gas works by Birmingham Road and the Cricket Ground across the river from the theatre. Map scale: 3 inches to a mile.

Stratford-on-Avon Town Plan

Baedeker Guide, 1906

Note Back Lane instead of Grove Road and open fields to the west. Map scale: 5.5 inches to a mile.

Town Plan

H. Snowden Ward

The Shakespearean Guide to Stratford-on-Avon, 1895

Shows many buildings that no longer have the same function: demolished (Gas Works, Union Workhouse, St James' Church, Avon Bank); changed role (National Schools, Wesleyan Church, Fountain Hotel, Mission Room, Children's Hospital, Red Horse, Golden Lion, Old Red Lion); occupants moved to another location (Police Station, Bowling Green, St Gregory's School, Post Office, Vicarage, Fire Station, Parish Room); or rebuilt after fire (Memorial Theatre). Map scale: 9 inches to a mile. Area 1.3x0.8 miles.

Stratford on Avon Municipal Borough

R.K. Dawson

Boundary Commission, 1837

Shows proposed enlargement of the old municipal borough to a new polygonal boundary, enclosing Holy Trinity church, Old Town, the Mill, Bridgetown, the Guild Pits and the Canal. Map scale: 4 inches to a mile.

Plan of Stratford upon Avon

Robert Bell Wheler

Guide to Stratford upon Avon, J. Ward, London, 1814

Frontispiece of the excellent guide book by the renowned local historian Wheler, following the general layout of Winter's map. Shows the location of the Ecclesiastical College, north of the church. Map scale: 30 chains to the inch.

Plan of Stratford on Avon

Samuel Winter

Hand drawn, 1759

Drawing held by Shakespeare Birthplace Trust ER1/48 (f.22). Shows clearly the 3x3 grid of streets from the medieval layout of the town. Map scale: 30 chains to the inch. Reproduced in The Borough Town of Stratford upon Avon, Levi Fox (1953), p.49