Books about Stratford-upon-Avon

Stratford-upon-Avon in 50 Buildings

Robert Bearman and Lindsay MacDonald

Amberley, 2022, 96pp

An engaging account of the rich architectural heritage of the town, showing how the building styles evolved over successive historical periods. Lavishly illustrated throughout. 

Book launch events were held at Waterstones and the Shakespeare bookshop. A review article appeared in Focus Magazine.

Secret Stratford-upon-Avon

Nicholas Fogg

Amberley, 2017, 96pp

Twenty-nine intriguing things to be seen in the town, as evidence of its remarkable past

Historic Cameos

Joan McFarlane

Coda Books, 2017, 210pp

Compilation of 220 interesting snippets about the town's history, by a former Mayor

Stratford-upon-Avon: The biography

Nicholas Fogg

Amberley, 2014, 352pp

The history of the town through the voices of Stratford's inhabitants, from its earliest origins to the present, based on extensive research in the town archives

Stratford: A town at war

Nicholas Fogg

Alan Sutton Publishing, 2008, 154pp

How the town was changed by two World Wars and stories of the townspeople who served

Exploring Stratford-upon-Avon: Historical strolls around the town

John Abbott

Sigma Leisure, 1997, 116pp

Guide to sixteen easy walks around central Stratford and the surrounding villages

The Living Stratford

Edward Lloyd and Eifion Roberts

Edward Fox, 1996, 53pp

A miscellany of verses, drawings and ruminations: "neither a guide book nor a history, but a personal appreciation of certain facets of the town's heritage"

The Buildings of Stratford-upon-Avon

Richard K. Morriss and Ken Hoverd

Alan Sutton Publishing, 1994, 122pp

A taste of the town's architectural riches, both ancient and modern, illustrated with high quality black-and-white photographs

Exploring Stratford-upon-Avon

Enid Colston

Meridian Books, 1991, 48pp

A guided tour of the town, attempting to show how much of its past can be discovered in its streets and buildings

Stratford-upon-Avon: A history of its streets and buildings

Robert Bearman

Hendon Publishing, 1988, 67pp

Classic and authoritative guide, with a brief description of almost every building in every street of the historic town centre

Tales of Old Stratford

Betty Smith

Countryside Books, 1988, 96pp

Amazing anecdotes and lurid legends of people and incidents by a popular newspaper columnist and reporter

Stratford upon Avon: Portrait of a town

Nicholas Fogg

Phillimore, 1986, 244pp

The history of the town seen through its people in the context of English history, with many insights

The Swan's Nest

SPAN, 1985, 54pp

History of four of the town's finest inns, well illustrated with photographs and drawings

Stratford-upon-Avon and the Cotswolds

Michael Hall and Ernest Frankl, 1982, 114pp

The Pevensey Press, Cambridge

Portrays Stratford and its surrounding region in Warwickshire, and compares the neighbouring region of the Cotswolds. Illustrated with 90 colour photographs and a gazetteer with notes on 120 places.

Rosemary for Stratford-upon-Avon

Ursula Bloom

Robert Hale, 1966, 192pp

Gossipy bitter-sweet account of the town and its people in Edwardian times, a lament for 'the little town that once was, at a time when rosemary still flowered there'