Meetings Programme 2022

Because of the covid situation at the start of the year, the Stratford Society continued the suspension of its programme of physical meetings until April, when the Committee thought it safe to meet physically. The monthly meetings were also broadcast online via Zoom, in which the speaker gave a presentation of approximately 30 minutes, followed by an interactive session for questions and discussion.

Meetings during 2022 were:

17 January       Getting cars off the road - Stephen Norrie (Stratford Climate Action)

21 February    Accessible Stratford - Elizabeth Dixon (Disability Adviser)

21 March         Delivering our Climate Change Plan - David Barber (Warwick District Council)

18 April            Stratford Houses: Recording and Dating - Dr Nat Alcock (Warwick University)

16 May             Nature's Recovery - Ian Jelley (Warwickshire Wildlife Trust)

21 June             AGM and Stratford, Past, Present and Future - Tony Bird OBE

22 August         A man in all the world's new fashion planted - Alistair McArthur (RSC Costume Workshop)

17 October       "You may think that, but I couldn't possibly comment" - Sarah Summers (Former Town Clerk)

21 November   Stratford-upon-Avon in 50 Buildings - Bob Bearman and Lindsay MacDonald

12 December   Christmas gathering and quiz - Margaret Cund

Meetings up to March were held by zoom at 6pm on the third Monday of each month. From April onwards meetings were live at the White Swan Hotel in Rother Market. There was also a Zoom feed, where possible, to enable the presentation to be viewed remotely. Edited videos of past meetings may be viewed on our YouTube channel.

Excursions for members in 2022 included: a guided tour of Mason's Court in Rother Street; a group reading of Shakespeare’s play King John; a visit to the Marina construction site;  celebration of the relaunch of the Merry Widow river boat; participation in the Shakespeare birthday procession; a tour of the all-new RSC costume workshop; an outing to the Brandon Marsh wildlife reserve near Coventry; and launch of a new book about the history of historic buildings in Stratford.