Meetings Programme 2021

Because of the covid situation, the Stratford Society continued the suspension of its programme of physical meetings throughout 2021. Instead the monthly meetings were held online via the Zoom facility. Each month a speaker gave a presentation of approximately 30 minutes, followed by an interactive session for questions and discussion. The talks were recorded, and may be viewed on our YouTube channel.

18 January          How can the High Street recover from covid? - Joseph Baconnet

15 February       Pandemics Past and Present - Nicholas Fogg

15 March            Stratford in the National Census - Mairi Macdonald and Sally Bannister

19 April               The Old Tramway Revived, from Stratford to Shipston - Andy Fincham

17 May                Helping the Homeless at the Fred Winter Centre - Paul Spooner

21 June                A Tale of Ten Jobs - Richard Howarth

  7 July                  AGM - ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

19 July                  Repurposing Stratford Town Centre - James Brookes

16 August            Developments on the Canal - Russell Poulton

20 September    Tourism Then and Now - Helen Smith

18 October         The Stratford Marina - Neil Warren

17 November     What’s happening to our Town Centre? - Geraldine Collinge, John Scampion, John Myatt

20 December     Christmas Quiz - devised by Margaret Cund

We also held three outdoor events for members:

24 August           Walk along the Historic Spine, led by Dr Robert Bearman

11 September    Garden Party hosted by Tony and Janet Bird in Billesley

24 November     Climb up scaffolding to view restoration of north transept at Holy Trinity Church