
Meetings were previously held at the Shakespeare Centre in Henley Street. During the covid lockdown we held virtual meetings via Zoom. Since the resumption of physical meetings we have been using the function rooms at the White Swan in Rother Market. Each month a guest speaker gives a presentation of approximately 30 minutes, followed by an interactive session for questions and discussion. In most cases the talks are recorded, for later viewing as video from the Stratford Society YouTube channel.

Meetings are held on the third Monday of each month. A zoom link will be sent to all members by email in advance of each event. If you would like to participate, but do not receive the link, please contact the Secretary. Non-members and guests are welcome to attend, at a charge of £5 per head. The programme for this year is here.

Programme cards for previous years:

2016-2017        2017-2018        2018-2019        2019-2020